Our last AGM was held ion the 2nd of December 2019, at the Glenridding Public Hall
The Draft minutes are as follows:
Meeting 2 December 2019 7 -7.30 pm Glenridding Village Hall
1. Welcome by the chair. 40+ Attendees including CLT /Housing Group (with 4 registered directors: M Teasdale, R Shephard, E Allen, J Cooke)
2. Apologies for absence. Treasurer B Kerr sent apologies
3. To note this is the first AGM so no minutes of the last AGM and no matters arising. Noted
4. Chair’s First Report Outline of previous work and setting up CLT and searching for sites and housing needs surveys MT read a report on the work to develop more affordable housing and to set up a Community Land Trust.
5. Treasurer’s First Financial Report – Funds available, funds used and sources of funds MT summarised the financial position, SK(for BK) summarised work to set up a bank account.
6. Appointment and election of the management committee/directors Noted that 4 Directors are listed on incorporation document , MT RS EA and JCk; CL, SS,HJ, GH BK all have agreed to continue as Directors
Noted that CLT can have other directors: 4 offers of help at meeting noted.
7. Plans for recruiting members = supporters and volunteers. To note the CLT will recruit local members and supporters. Noted that members are asked to contribute 1.00 a year. Agreed
8. Further formal matters to be on a mid 2020 public meeting agenda :
Noted at the meeting:
– Needs to be appointment of an independent examiner or auditor for the CLT – needed once the finances are separate from the parish council’s.
– CLT now established will follow good practice and use the National CLT healthcheck ,a checklist to make sure the organisation is working well for its community
– CLT details will be available and regular communications are planned. These will include: CLT www – Documents to be available will include incorporation document, history of work including housing needs surveys, sites considered/suggested, parish E mail, posters,Together, Ullswater Affordable Housing Group Facebook page
Meeting closed at 7.30 pm
The formal meeting was followed by a discussion about current and future possible plans.
1. The discussion about the possible Glenridding Green site covered: is development on such a central site acceptable, is it known there there is demand for as many as 10 dwellings, what are next steps , where will funding come from, can CLT develop any accommodation at affordable cost
2. Options for other sites were discussed
3. With a show of hands most of the meeting) approx 90+%) favoured having 10 or so affordable homes in the parish and agreed the demand is there; there was recognition that affordable needs to mean rents within reach of those looking to live in the parish given the level of earnings ; with a clear majority (show of hand of 70% approx) the possible Glenridding Green site was agreed to be acceptable subject to having good design and materials.